The two smiling eggs in this carton are really fresh! Look at their expressions!
Now that I caught your attention, I have jumbo-sized farm-fresh cage-free, pastured and organic brown eggs for sale. Our hens here on the farm are really producing.
As any savvy health-conscious person knows, organic eggs have a higher content of Omega-3's than factory-farmed eggs. And our hens are much happier. They're not cooped up like dozens of people crammed into a tiny telephone booth. They have their space. They scratch around in their pasture and in the vineyard, getting all kinds of natural nutrients.
The eggs sell for $4 a dozen, and there is a discount for buying in bulk. Just ring the bell on the green horse gate to let me know you're there, or phone ahead to place your order: 209.887.3368. I also make deliveries when I come to town. Just like a CSA, I combine my deliveries with errands.